Four for Friday: CRRF, Boundary Basics, Funding for Food Businesses and Xcelerate Summit VIP Promo

With the first National Truth and Reconciliation Day happening this week, this was a week of deep reflection for me. Though early in my learning journey, the more I learn about our past the better I understand where we are today. For me it’s really important to ensure we are listening to Indigenous voices first and providing our platforms to lift those voices before our own. If you’re interested in doing the same, I encourage you to research the traditional land on which you’re located, listen to, read and support the people who are sharing stories about this land and the people who traditionally cared for it and finally, check out the M’Wikwedong Friendship Centre.

Here’s what else I got up too this week or found on my radar.

  1. CRRF - Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation

I had the honour of joining Ashleigh Weeden to kick off this year's CRRF conference, Inclusive Economies. The organization pulls academia, economic developers and rural based non-profits together to examine the issues facing rural communities.

In our keynote, we addressed the rural-urban divide, increased political polarization and the importance of having courageous conversations but putting care at the centre of our work. These themes seemed to carry through some of the other conference sessions, where I was also able to take away some ideas and inspiration for both Catapult and my rural community.

One organization I have run into repeatedly this year at rural-focused events is the Canadian Centre for Rural Creativity. Based just down the road in Blyth, they're working on some great stuff, including launching the "Social Innovation Hub", which will provide a "creative space for collaboration, learning  and growing."

This fall they will launch an accelerator for creative entrepreneurs and social enterprises called Catalyst. Give them a follow if this could be for you. 

2. Wednesday Warm-up - Boundaries with Heather Travis - Brand Strategist & Small Business Coach

Monthly, we host these free events with the Grey County Business Enterprise Centre and The Huron-Kinloss Hub. They're a great, informal way to connect with some other local entrepreneurs and maybe take some tips away for your business.

We alternate between "heart" and "head" topics and this month, we focused on "Business Boundaries".

Heather Travis

Heather Travis

Brand Strategist, Small Business Coach and Catapult Mentor, Heather Travis led the discussion about boundaries and how we can use them in our businesses and personal life. I think for most of us, that line blurs very easily, so it was a rich conversation.

Some suggestions from Heather; consider your boundaries one of the ways you live your brand and set them accordingly throughout your business. Your guiding principles, hours of operation, policies, and contracts are all examples of boundaries. As your business and brand evolves, the boundaries can too and you decide when or if you need to break them.

Register to get a reminder for next month's Wednesday Warmup here.


3. Canadian Food Innovation Network Programs

We have been following along since Dana McCauley, former Director of New Venture Creation at the University of Guelph, announced she was joining the Canadian Food Innovation Network as Chief Experience Officer, to see what this new organization is up too.

Earlier this week, they announced an exciting program to support food entrepreneurs and partners to develop innovative, new food products.

Innovation Booster - This program is for entrepreneurs with a high potential product lacking funds for:

  • Assess product market fit

  • Test your minimum viable product

  • Scale and expand globally

  • Prepare for investment

  • Leverage and protect your intellectual property

This program provides $10-100,000 for projects led my small or medium-sized food manufacturers. Upcoming informational webinars on October 13, 2021 will share details on the programs.

4. Xcelerate Summit

If I look back on the most impactful 2020 events, Xcelerate Summit was one, so I was super excited to see the conference lineup announced this week. It's chock full of great speakers who are sure to leave you with takeaways you will be reflecting on for months after.

New this year! If you aren't able to make the session, you will still have access to them in the conference platform afterwards. Which is also great, considering how many times I went back to the workshops and speakers from last year.

We love working with the Henry Bernick Entrepreneurship Centre.  Sara and Jenna have endless energy and their events are top notch. There’s tons of value in this registration so check it out!