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Toolkit Tuesday Lunch & Learn: The Leader's Top Priority - Employee Engagement

Innovation Guelph Workshop

Toolkit Tuesday Lunch & Learn

The Leader's Top Priority - Employee Engagement

Business leaders face a mountain of challenges today, with seemingly endless new issues and imperatives fighting for their attention. Yet there is one challenge that, no matter the market, the business model, or the company size - will always be a top leadership priority: how to unlock the potential of employees. The answer to that question, according to the experts, is employee engagement – considered to be the critical factor in optimizing individual, team and organizational performance. Why is that? What exactly does employee engagement mean? What does it look like? How is it measured? And knowing that, how can it be managed, especially in the era of remote working? For answers to these questions, along with tips and tools for understanding employee engagement in your workplace, join the conversation during this month’s Toolkit Tuesday!

Presented by:

Michael Brenchley B.Sc, CHRP // Founder, Work Better Consulting

Sincere thanks to SLIAO for providing ASL translation for this event.

Later Event: February 16
SUCCESSion Planning Webinar